Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Blogging at present has emerged as a full time profession for many and while a few years back, people always considered the earning of bloggers as minuscule, they have now emerged as one among the fastest earning lot in India.
Citing the growth pace of bloggers it wouldn't be an exxageration to say that the segment will soon transform into a huge employment sector.
Here is the list of India's richest bloggers with inspirational earnings-:
Srinivas Tamada
Blog: 9lessons.info
Income channel: AdSense, paid income and affiliate sources.
India ranking by Alexa:3,115
Income: INR 7,00,000/ month
Shradha Sharma
Blog: yourstory.com
Income channel: AdSence and paid Advertisement.
India rank by Alexa: 310
Income: INR 20,00,000/ month
Income channel: AdSence and Advertisements.
India rank by Alexa:5,602
Income: INR9,00,000/ month
Jaspal Singh
Blog: savedelete.com
Income channel: Google AdSense is his main source.
World rank by Alexa: 73,351
Income: INR 5,00,000/month
Imran Uddin
Blog: Alltechbuzz.net
Income channel:AdSense, paid Advertisement and affiliate marketing.
India rank by Alexa: 2,411
Income: INR 6,00,000/ month
Blog: Shoutmeloud.com
India rank by Alexa: 459
Income: INR 18,00,000/month

Faisal Farooqui
Blog: Mouthshut.com
Income channel: premium membership, paid advertisement, affiliate marketing, and AdSence.
India rank by Alexa:455
Income: INR 13,00,000/ month
Arun Prabhudesai
Blog: Trak.in
Income channel: AdSense and paid advertising.
India rank by Alexa:1,712
Income: INR 13,00,000/ month
Amit Bhawani
Blog: amitbhawani.com, Phoneradar.com
Income channel: Adsense, direct paid advertising and affiliate marketing.
India rank by Alexa: 18,753
Income: INR 15,00,000/month
Amit Agarwal
Blog: www.Labnol.org
Income Channel: AdSense, Paid Advertisement, and Affiliate Income etc.
India ranking by Alexa: 1,169
Income: INR 30,00,000/ month

Friday, 27 October 2017

How to convert exponential form of double number to decimal form

To Convert Exponential form of number to non exponential form in
java.text.we have two class

we use them like

NumberFormat  numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

we pass #0.00 pattern in DecimalFormat class constructor as argument.

here are the code for converting number .

package in.jk;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
double doubleValue = 200E7;

NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
System.out.println("Number is exponential  format "+doubleValue);
String claimAmt = formatter.format(doubleValue);
System.out.println("Number is Decimal format "+claimAmt);



Out on Console look like this .......

Number in exponential  format 2.0E9

Number in Decimal format 2000000000.00

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Simple Loging example by using Log4j

Log4j is Apache project for logging in java application .Log4j is written in java .  Log4j Apache project founded by Ceki Gülcü .

Ceki Gülcü .Geneva Area, Switzerland
log4j is a reliable, fast and flexible logging framework .
Log4j  Architecture
Log4J is layered architecture each layered provide different object perform different task .
there are two type of object in Log4j Architecture.
Core Object :-      Core Objects are mandatory objects used for logging .
Support Object: - Support Object are optional object used by Core object to perform logging .
Core Object :-  
Core Object consist of following type of objects
Logger Object :- Logger object used to capturing logging information .
Layout Object : - Layout object allow the publish logging information in different style .
Appender Object :- Appender  object  is responsible publish logging information to various preferred destination  such as database, file ,network , console .
Support Object :-
Level Object :- Level object define priority of any logging  information  there are seven logging level in log4j API.
1. OFF
Filter Object : -   Filter object is used to analyze logging information and further decide whether logging information is printed